Volunteer with us
Calling all tea makers, tidy-uppers, skill sharers, give it a go-ers, first aiders and helpers for as little or as much time as you can spare.
We provide the training. You show up, get stuck in, and make memories for life.
We are always looking for people to join our dynamic volunteering team.
Young People (14 – 18 years old)
We can offer volunteering opportunities to young people between 14 and 18 years who are interested in being a Young Leader, or those who are working towards their Duke of Edinburgh Awards.
Adults (18+)
We are always on the look out for adults who would like to join the adventure and help to shape and change the lives of young people in and around Galgate.
Adult volunteering is flexible. Not everyone wants to be a leader who is there every week, for some this would be impossible. So we offer all kinds of volunteering opportunities.
- Can you only volunteer for one evening every other week, or one evening a month?
- Can you only help with weekend activites?
- Can you only help sometimes, and you may need to change your schedule at short notice?
- You might be someone who wants to be with us every week.
Doesn’t matter how much or how little time you have to give, we would love to meet you.
We also know that there are some people who would love to help out, but don’t really want to work with young people. We have support and management teams who would be happy to have your help and input. Perhaps you could be part of our Board of Trustees?
If you are interested in working with us please email the Group Scout Leader in the first instance at info@galgatescouts.org.uk.